
ISSN 2096-7780 CN 10-1665/P


Research on the influence of site characteristic period on engineering material usage and damage states of high rise buildings

  • 摘要: 建立了2个典型高层建筑结构(剪力墙结构和框架剪力墙)的分析模型,在层间位移角满足规范规定限值的前提下,研究了混凝土用量和钢筋用量随着抗震设计地震动特征周期改变的变化规律;另外,保持两个结构模型不变,通过改变设计地震动特征周期的取值,分析了不同特征周期下两个结构模型的层间位移角最大值,给出了特征周期取值不同时两个结构模型的破坏状态。研究结果表明:层间位移角满足规范要求时,随着特征周期的变大,剪力墙结构和框架剪力墙结构中混凝土和钢筋的用量在增大,特征周期越大,混凝土和钢筋用量增量越大;特征周期增值相同时,框架剪力墙结构中混凝土用量增量和钢筋用量增量要小于剪力墙结构中的混凝土用量和钢筋用量;结构模型保持不变,特征周期变大时会影响结构的破坏状态,但基本都处于轻微破坏状态下,除了剪力墙结构在Tg=0.9 s时达到了中等破坏的状态。


    Abstract: Two typical analysis models for high rise building structures (the shear wall structure and the frame shear wall structure) were established in this paper. On the premise that the story drift meets the limit values specified in the specifications, the changes in the usage of concrete and steel bars with the characteristic periods of the design ground motions were studied. In addition, keeping the two structural models unchanged, the maximum story drift of the two structural models under different characteristic periods were analyzed, and then the failure states of the two structural models were given. Results show that when the story drift meets the requirements of the specification, the usage of concrete and steel bars in the shear wall structure and the frame shear wall structure increases with the characteristic period increasing. The larger the characteristic period, the greater the increment of concrete and steel bars usage. The increment of concrete and steel bars usage in the frame shear wall structure is smaller than that in the shear wall structure under the same characteristic period appreciation. Increasing the characteristic period will affect the failure states of the structures when the structural models remain unchanged, but mostly in a minor damage state, except for the shear wall structure that reaches to moderate damage state at Tg=0.9 s.


