
ISSN 2096-7780 CN 10-1665/P


Development characteristics and formation mechanism of giant landslides on the main stream of the Jinsha River

  • 摘要: 金沙江干流穿越地形地貌极为复杂和新构造运动强烈的青藏高原东南缘,流域内发育了大量的巨型滑坡,使得该地区的滑坡灾害十分严重。因此,深入研究金沙江干流滑坡的成因机制对于该区域的防灾减灾具有重要意义。本研究通过搜集前人研究资料和遥感影像分析,对金沙江干流巨型滑坡的形成机制进行了深入探讨。研究发现,金沙江干流巨型滑坡的形成受多种因素的综合影响。首先,地形坡度是影响滑坡形成的重要因素,坡度在25°~40°范围内发生滑坡的概率更高。其次,活动断裂在滑坡形成过程中起到重要作用,断裂带活动会导致岩石变形和破碎,从而增加滑坡发生的可能性。此外,地层岩性也是影响滑坡的重要因素,它影响着岩土体的物理力学特性和岸坡的应力分布特征,导致区域稳定性的差异,增加了滑坡发生的可能。在这些因素中,活动断裂及强震活动在巨型滑坡的形成过程中起到了更为重要的作用。他们可能导致滑坡进一步发展,甚至引发流域堵江、溃坝、洪水等连锁灾害。


    Abstract: The main stream of the Jinsha River traverses the highly complex topography and intense neotectonic movement of the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where a large number of giant landslides have formed, resulting in severe landslide disasters in the region. Therefore, in-depth investigation into the formation mechanisms of these landslides along the main stream of the Jinsha River is of paramount significance for disaster prevention and mitigation in this area. This study conducts a comprehensive exploration of formation mechanisms of these giant landslides using a combination of literature review and remote sensing image analysis. The findings reveal that the formation of giant landslides along the main stream of the Jinsha River is influenced by multiple factors. Firstly, topographical slope plays a crucial role, with a higher probability of landslide occurrence in the range of 25° to 40°. Secondly, active faults significantly contribute to the landslide formation process, as fault zone activity can lead to rock deformation and fragmentation, thus increasing the likelihood of landslide occurrence. Furthermore, the lithology of rock strata is also a key factor influencing landslides, impacting the physical and mechanical properties of rock-soil mass and the stress distribution characteristics of the slope, resulting in regional stability differences and an increased potential for landslides. These factors can lead to further development of landslides, and even trigger chain disasters such as river blockage, dam breach, and flooding in the basin.


